A baby girl tries waking up her brother. How the brother reacted is so heartwarming! Unknown Tuesday, June 9, 2015 No Comment

Siblings share special bonds that is immensely powerful. Such powerful bond is often times indescribable.

In the video uploaded by "TheMrsdavis2u," the siblings Remi and Drew are featured in which Drew is shown sleeping on the couch and Remi tried as much as she can to wake up her big brother.

After its being uploaded on YouTube, the video easily went viral from then on.

Remi, 8 months old then, was trying really hard to wake up her big brother, Drew, who was sleeping on the coach. Assisted by her mother, Remi easily went near her brother in order to wake him up.

At first, Drew would not budge and refused to wake up. It can be seen that he was a little bit irritated at his young sister's acts. Nevertheless, Drew chose to wake up in the end and decided to get up from the couch. To his mother's surprise, Drew began kissing his sister on her forehead, and then proceeded to the do same thing to his mother.

This is indeed a sweet, heartwarming, and priceless moment.

Aren't these children cute? Share with us your thoughts by commenting below.
Via TheMrsdavis2u, ViralityVideos
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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