Actress Samantha Futerman has been performing in different platforms, and videos of which have been uploaded online. This is why Anais Bordier was shocked after seeing one of her videos in the internet for it was like watching herself in the mirror. This impelled her to send Samantha a message through Facebook.
To Anais' surprise and delight, Samantha responded immediately. Both of them were so eager and determined to meet each other that they agreed to talk via Skype. It was an online meeting that lasted 3 hours, more or less. They then decided to meet each other in person--the first of which was in London, then in Los Angeles, and again in Los Angeles. It was a touching sight to see.
In an interview, they have given almost the same answers in almost all of the questions that were posed at them.
In order to reach a medical certainty as to their lineage, they had themselves subjected to a DNA test, which, as predicted, yielded positive results. Not only were they identical in appearance, they were certainly identical in their genetic makeup--thus erasing any doubt about their being identical twins.
Such a serendipitous reunion between two souls, though separated, were reunited through the help of modern technology.
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Via Daily Mail
Via Daily Mail
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