Money is everyone's need. These days, girls prefer men who are stable and affluent - ones who can give them the security they need to live a good life. Looks like this girl is one of them - and she may have reacted strongly after this social experiment. Or, maybe she just tight on her finances? You, be the judge.
Social experiments are done to know how people with react to certain situations. This one tackles the extent of one's hunger for money can go. DennisCeeTV released on their Youtube channel the video of this woman, which garnered 6 million views as of date. Comments reflected mixed views about the girl and the entire social experiment.
In the video, the man walked towards the girl to introduce himself but she just didn't mind her. She even looks annoyed and not interested, saying his boyfriend wouldn't like her seeing other guys. Then, when a beggar came to ask for money to the guy, the guy pulls out a stash of money.
You'll love how the woman reacted! She totally lost her mind! She quickly changed her mind, and said:"As a matter of fact, can I get your number?"
When the guy revealed about the social experiment and threw the money on her - you won't like what the girl did!
Can't believe the girl reacted so strongly. How about you? Whose side are you on? Do you think she's really one hot gold digger?
via DennisCeeTV
via DennisCeeTV
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